For Entrepreneurs

Articles, videos and downloads that we have developed though our work supporting start-ups and growth companies. Sales and marketing topics are the most popular!

Mar 18th 2023

Click on the book image below to open and download your 16-page e-book with 10 ways (plus a bonus) in which you can ask for the order.

Mar 16th 2023

How to improve DIY video and add visual interest with additional footage, even if you don’t have any video footage (The Ken Burns Effect)   Watch the video here:

Mar 16th 2023

Do you search for images online to use in your content? Google has just updated their image search criteria to make it easier to see what images can be used freely. Search for your image by subject (e.g. “Boats”) Select “Images” (it defaults to “All”) Under Tools, select Usage Rights On…

Mar 16th 2023

Never, ever, ever tell a lie (pork pie, porkies) in selling or marketing. “I never, ever, would” you might say. When does a cool creative idea stray into the territory of half-truths and untruths though? Quite often. The danger of this is in the execution. If you get found out,…

Mar 16th 2023

Someone recently questioned whether I had permission to use a 10-second clip from the movie “Dunkirk” in my video “Why words are not enough”. The answer is No, and here’s why. I am relying on the interpretation of Fair Dealing (the equivalent is Fair Use in the USA) which provides…

Mar 16th 2023

If you are making marketing videos indoors with a smartphone, webcam or camera, you will need some form of lighting to enhance your subject. If you can get away with using available natural or artificial light, that is ideal (as described in our course on making videos with your smartphone).…

Mar 16th 2023

Many people watch video content on their tablets and smartphones in public places or at work where they don’t want to disturb others with sound. The closed captioning (cc) or subtitles feature in many video players means they can read text instead of listening. To add subtitles on  video platforms…

Mar 16th 2023

… and avoid giving things away! Pricing is always a sensitive topic. Customers want to know how much something costs before they buy it, and suppliers don’t want to tell everyone (including their competitors) what something costs because often “it depends”. Unless you are selling a commodity product where the…

Mar 16th 2023

There are a lot of very good videos and articles on LinkedIn and other social media. They provide evidence of the author’s expertise or skill, but many stand alone, with no links to anything else. If you are selling your services, this is a missed opportunity. Every buyer is on…