For Entrepreneurs

Articles, videos and downloads that we have developed though our work supporting start-ups and growth companies. Sales and marketing topics are the most popular!

Mar 21st 2023

LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube, Twitter, Tiktok – and now we have another social media platform which marketers are moving into: Clubhouse. Tom Fishburne highlighted the absurdity of marketers chasing platforms in his pithy cartoon and blog about it here. Many of my clients have told me they previously tried social…

Mar 21st 2023

Four very effective marketing tactics used by Freddie’s Flowers that can be applied to any business, yet a surprising number of businesses don’t use them.   Watch the video here:    

Mar 21st 2023

How can one product sell at 54x the price of another, and perform the same function? In this video we look at what the customer is actually buying, which may not be what we are selling. We can set a price based on the value of the experience which is…

Mar 21st 2023

This title is two quotes combined – from authors Denis Waitley and Lee Child. It neatly encapsulates a “light-bulb” moment I had during an excellent briefing on Business Risk, delivered by Nick Moon of Applied Resilience. I know this is not as exciting as sales and  marketing, but if we…

Mar 21st 2023

How to make your video more interesting by adding “B-Roll” footage   Watch the video here:  

Mar 21st 2023

A cheeky look at a big-budget marketing campaign that demonstrates three mistakes that you need to avoid with your own campaigns   Watch the video here:  

Mar 21st 2023

How to grab an audience’s attention with your marketing video.   Watch the video here:   Video Tip 3 Shoppers Pivot from Neville Merritt on Vimeo.  

Mar 20th 2023

How to use the Green Screen feature to create interesting backgrounds for your videos   Watch the video here:

Mar 18th 2023

This can be a bit awkward if you are not used to it. Also, even if you are used to it, it can have unsatisfactory results. Imagine you were at a networking event or you were exhibiting at a trade show, and you had a conversation with someone who seemed…